Monday, October 14, 2024 | TSTM

About Tillamook Single Track Magazine

Tillamook Single Track Magazine is an online e-magazine in the Pacific Northwest dedicated as an online resource for trail riding and OHV. The stories in TSTM are not all specific to the PNW however a majority of this website will include relative content because of its location.

Articles and resources on this website will vary from the technical to vintage restorations and motor rebuilding. Trail riding stories, events, news and other related dirt bike information will also be on focus.

Feel free to contribute!

Trail Riding Stories

Have a good trail riding story? Write it up and send it in! We will be sure to display your article on this website. The location does not matter and we accept any story from anywhere in the world.

Technical Articles

Know how to do any kind of maintaince or rebuilding? Got some secret tech tips? Send in the article and we will feature it on this site!

Upcomming Events

Know or are hosting an upcomming event in the Pacific Northwest we do not already have listed? Let us know about it! Currently we are solely focused on the PNW area, mainly Oregon and Washington however surrounding areas are also welcome. We may even expand to broader areas if the site gets bigger.

Dirtbike Restorations

Restored a dirtbike and want to tell us about this vintage masterpiece? Write it up and send it in along with some pictures!

Contact motors(at)opferman(dot)com with your article and photos.

About Tillamook Single Track Magazine

Tillamook Single Track Magazine is an online e-magazine...

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Contact Us!

We welcome your feedback!

Send Your Comments, Questions, Events or even Articles

Email: motors(at)opferman(dot)com